If you’ve ever suffered with the pain of Sciatica, you rully understand why the UK National Health Service (NHS) includes Sciatica on its list of 20 most painful health conditions that a human body can experience. And when you’re experiencing it, you’re probably not as concerned about what causes Sciatica as you are with how to make it go away.
But it’s important to understand that Sciatica is not a standalone condition, it’s the result of some other health condition, life event or some common choice that you made. You have to know what causes Sciatica before you can make effectively stop the Sciatica pain. if the true root cause behind the sciatica is never identified and eliminated, the sciatic nerve will never heal, and that worst pain of your lifetime might stay with you for the rest of your lifetime.
The good news is when you do understand what is causing your Sciatica, you can take find home remedies, natural treatments, and get support for the correct type of health practitioner to eliminate the root cause, eradicate the pain, and prevent future flare-ups.
What Causes Sciatica to Flare Up?

Anything that pinches, compresses, irritates or injures the Sciatic nerve is what causes Sciatica to flare up. This includes back conditions like misalignmnts, strains, herniations, and degeneration. Lifestyle conditions like pregnancy, obesity, and prolonged sitting causes Sciatica flare-ups. Injuries, tumors and infections can cause irritate and compress the sciatic nerve and cause Sciatica. In all there are 17 Common Causes of Sciatica which must be identified and eliminated before Sciatica pain can stop, because Sciatica is not a standalone condition. it always has an underlying cause.
This is what Causes Sciatica and This Is What You Need to Treat and Eliminate to Be Sciatica Pain
- Lifting Incorrectly/Lifting Too Much Weight can strain the back, herniate a disc, or injure muscles that then put pressure on the Sciatic nerve and cause Sciatica.
- Spinal Misalignment is a common condition in which the vertebrae of the spine are not properly aligned. Spinal misalignment often creates nerve root irritation and/or puts uneven pressure on the Sciatic nerve, which causes Sciatica.
- Repetitive Movements involve performing the same motions over and over again, which can lead to inflammation or muscle imbalances that aggravate the sciatic nerve and result in Sciatica.
- Job-Related Injuries are commonly associated with jobs that involve heavy lifting, long periods of sitting, or repetitive motions, such as construction, truck driving, and assembly line work. These activities can lead to disc degeneration or spinal misalignment, resulting in sciatic nerve pain.
- Sports/Recreation Strain is frequently seen in high-impact sports and activities such as football, weightlifting, and long-distance running. These activities can cause muscle injuries or joint issues that impact the sciatic nerve.
- Herniated Disc is a condition where the soft inner material of a spinal disc protrudes through the outer layer. This protrusion can press directly on the sciatic nerve, causing sharp pain and discomfort.
- Spinal Stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal. This narrowing reduces the space available for the nerves and can pinch the sciatic nerve.
- Degenerative Disc Disease is the natural wear and tear of spinal discs over time. This degeneration can lead to reduced disc height and increased pressure on the sciatic nerve.
- Piriformis Syndrome is a condition where the piriformis muscle in the buttocks spasms or tightens abnormally. When this muscle compresses the sciatic nerve, it causes pain that radiates down the leg.
- Spondylolisthesis is when one vertebra slips forward over the one below it. This slippage can lead to nerve root compression, including the sciatic nerve.
- Trauma or Injury is damage to the spine or lower back, such as fractures or falls. This damage can result in swelling or misalignment that affects the sciatic nerve.
- Tumors are abnormal growths in the spine, whether benign or malignant. These growths can exert pressure on the sciatic nerve, leading to pain and neurological symptoms.
- Infections are conditions such as osteomyelitis or discitis in or around the spine. These infections can cause inflammation and swelling of the spinal tissues, which irritates the sciatic nerve.
- Pregnancy is a condition where the additional weight and imbalance of the body can increase pressure on the lower back. This pressure can lead to sciatic nerve compression, especially in the later stages of pregnancy.
- Muscle Strain is a condition where muscles in the lower back are overstretched or torn due to sudden or excessive force. This strain can lead to muscle inflammation that irritates the sciatic nerve.
- Obesity is excess body weight that increases stress on the spine and surrounding structures. This added stress can lead to conditions like herniated discs that impact the sciatic nerve.
- Prolonged Sitting is sitting for long periods, especially with poor posture. This position can cause lower back muscles to tighten and place pressure on the sciatic nerve.
What Causes Pregnancy Sciatica?

The cause of pregnancy Sciatica is the pregnancy itself. The weight of the baby and the imbalance that can occur as the baby grows and shifts can wreak havoc on the lower back of the pregnant mother. Any type of back or muscle strain, compression, or misalignment caused by the weight and position of the baby can ultimately cause the Sciatic nerve to be pinched, compressed, irritated or injured, which then causes Sciatica and Sciatica pain.
What Causes Sciatica Pain to Stop?

What causes Sciatica to stop is to first eliminate the root cause of the Sciatic nerve pinching, compression, iritation, or injury. After the damaging source is eliminated, what causes Sciatica pain to stop is the healing of the injury and inflammation of the Sciatic nerve, which is what “Sciatica” actually is. Efforts to eliminate Sciatica pain without first eliminating the cause of the Sciatic nerve damage, and then healing the Sciatic nerve, are temporary at best or completely ineffective. Sciatica pain stops when the Sciatic nerve is repaired and restored to a healthy state.